
Assalammualaikum people :) Mehehe okay sekarang nak cerita pasal lagu 'We Found Love' by Rihanna ft siapa tah.Okay,for me,the song is really entertaining.First time dengar terus suka! Even cam tah pape but I'm Rihanna's number one fan,so whatever kind of songs she produce,i'll like it.So aku ni pun terus bukak youtube carik lagu tu.Tengok video dia,macam tak faham duh.Tah apa apa tetibe pergi kedai semua.Dengan lyrics dia 'We Found Love in a hopeless place' Okay,what do you mean by hopeless place? Tepi jalan? Toilet? K memang tak faham and tak kenan pun dengan video dia even lelaki tu handsome and lagu dia quite awesome.But anyways,i still love you Rihanna! Muahh sikit :*