
Assalammualaikum people :) Sekarang semua tengah syok cerita pasal breaking dawn dengan Ombak Rindu kan? I've watched both of them and I must say,they are worth watching :) Breaking Dawn was quite amazing,cuma macam biasa lah part one kan,so macam tergantung sikit.Bella dengan Edwar seriously sweet gila :') Everyone in the cinema was like "Awwhhhhhhh" everytime diorang kiss or say something sweet to each other :') But diorang cut the sex scene._. HAHAHA K.BUT I MUST ADMIT I CANT LIE THAT TAYLOR LAUTNER IS FREAKINGLY HOT.OHMYGOD.Even dalam movies i cant help myself from "Ya Allah handsomenya!" And Adika's like, "Euww muka macam anjing" Hahah i know you jealous kan Adika? :P Okay so haritu pergi tengok pulak Ombak Rindu w Hanim,Ezu,Muni and Syafiq :) Hikhik Ombak Rindu takyah ceritalah,tengok sekejap je,dah mencurah curah air mata._. haha Kak Ezu dengan Muni tak habis habis gelak-.- Yang aku pun tengah feeling tak jadi sebab diorang tak sudah sudah buat lawak.Hahaha but seriously,both of them are worth watching.So what are you waiting for? Go and hit the cinemas now! Till then :)xx